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paint problem

Posted: August 2nd, 2002, 3:42 am
by smokem2
I just got my car a month ago.went to wax it ang the paint is comming off with the wax.Did they use colored wax? Also leaves leaves streaky finish .any solutions?

Re: paint problem

Posted: August 2nd, 2002, 10:35 am
by Sonicxtacy02
ummm its probably just oxidation ie dull paint that comes off so the shiny paint shines. All good waxes do it to older cars

Re: paint problem

Posted: August 2nd, 2002, 7:42 pm
by Rick Johnson
Uh dude, there should be no paint coming off when you wax, If there is paint coming off then someone painted your car. If its just a little it could be just some touch up paint coming off of the little nicks, but if its like a lot then someone sprayed it with spray paint....<P>And to reply about paint coming off old cars with good wax that may be true, because old OLD cars didn't have clearcoats. And if your getting swirls try a softer cloth.

Re: paint problem

Posted: August 2nd, 2002, 11:33 pm
by Talon_66
Actually Wax does take paint off. Mother's Pure Carnuba wax does, it removes the oxidization and some of the paint with it.