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Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 6:29 pm
by SuperK
This is the same threat that you gave some other person. Why would I travel across the nation for you? You obviously don't know me. I'm one hairy dude. There is no peach fuzz on my face. Although my head is disproportionately large for my body.

You will never know how I act or react in person, because you'll never see me. I am guessing you're drunk?

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 6:37 pm
by mx3matt
this is one IGNOR RANT thread.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 6:40 pm
by wytbishop
MrMazda92 wrote:I'd bet my a-- that Alistair didn't dyno a damn thing with a K8 exhaust. :lol:


By "A-spec tuning", I was referring to the DE ECU and KL02 VAF that more than 50% of the membership use with their KLs, eventually a few do spring for aftermarket EMS or KL31/36 ECUs though. That is true.
The CS dyno shows exactly what is expected. A K8 running 115hp and a ZE running 168hp (188-197Bhp depending on losses). That is exactly the expected result and exactly the result that all of us have experienced.

The Interprep dyno also shows exactly the expected result. A DE running 170Bhp with stock cam and intake and running 185Bhp (less than 198Bhp by the amount expected from the lower compression) with ZE cam and intake. That is exactly the expected result and common knowledge to every member here.

Show me one member driving a ZE with a K8 exhaust and more than a handful who are running a DE ECU and VAF who haven't already tried a bunch of combinations trying to isolate another issue that they can't figure out or waiting to get a proper one. Actually nevermind.

Based on everything I've read from you, and years of interactions with him, I can say unequivocably that you are not 1/10th of the man that Kris is. You should be embarrassed for the things you have said here and specifically in that post.

You are a small man Blake and you have lost any respect I may have had for you.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 6:40 pm
by MrMazda92
Sober, actually. ;)

More along the lines of disgust and annoyance than random outburst. Edit.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 6:43 pm
by MrMazda92
wytbishop wrote: The CS dyno shows exactly what is expected. A K8 running 115hp and a ZE running 168hp (188-197Bhp depending on losses). That is exactly the expected result and exactly the result that all of us have experienced.

The Interprep dyno also shows exactly the expected result. A DE running 170Bhp with stock cam and intake and running 185Bhp (less than 198Bhp by the amount expected from the lower compression) with ZE cam and intake. That is exactly the expected result and common knowledge to every member here.

Show me one member driving a ZE with a K8 exhaust and more than a handful who are running a DE ECU and VAF who haven't already tried a bunch of combinations trying to isolate another issue that they can't figure out or waiting to get a proper one. Actually nevermind.
The CS dyno shows those results with a freer flowing exhaust, quoted by CorkSport to free up ~5 WHP with a stock K8, and who only knows how much on a KL. Remove that ~5 whp, and the math lines up 100% to what I stated before.

wytbishop wrote:Based on everything I've read from you, and years of interactions with him, I can say unequivocably that you are not 1/10th of the man that Kris is. You should be embarrassed for the things you have said here and specifically in that post.

You are a small man Blake and you have lost any respect I may have had for you.
Cool, you like your friend more than a stranger, is that something that should surprise me? :shrug:
Just because you are male, and over the age that your government determines makes you an adult, doesn't mean you are a "man". Basing my opinion on the only thing I can(my interaction with Kris in my time on this forum), he has a long way to go before I would consider him to be a man.

Edit: For what it's worth, I edited that last post because it was harsher than even I meant to be.
I don't like Kris, and I could go on for a long time about exactly why I don't like him. This is neither the time, nor the place for that discussion, and I do see that.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 6:46 pm
by MrMazda92
Now, back on topic.

MX-3 w/ "KLZE", better than factory MX-3 exhaust, and J-spec KL tuning makes less than 200 BHP, or ~170 WHP.
That being said, the same engine would make less power in the same car, with factory MX-3 exhaust, and A-spec KL tuning.

The dyno graphs were at the same location, during the same season, and were conducted by experienced professionals.

What more could it possibly take to prove this? -.-

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 6:57 pm
by SuperK
There is no back on topic. You've insulted enough people and made a big fool of yourself not only here, but especially on facebook.

Time to close this thread.
I request your dismissal for your actions permanently to Jeff. Your actions are forgivable but inexcusable.

If that wasn't clear enough, you need to be banned.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 6:59 pm
by mx3matt
not yet. i need a couple more hours of funny while i'm stuck at work.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 7:29 pm
by SuperK
If there is anyone else that would request Blake's dismissal I would recommend either contacting me so I can write up a proper petition to Jeff, or just message him directly.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 7:43 pm
by MrMazda92
Kris, when is this going to stop, seriously?

YOU were threatened with a BAN the last time you slandered me, were you not? Why can't you accept that I was unhappy with the outcome of our transaction in 2011, and get over it?

I asked for a refund, big deal! Stop trying to drag my name through the mud over it! -.-

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 7:48 pm
by MrMazda92
wytbishop wrote: The Interprep dyno also shows exactly the expected result. A DE running 170Bhp with stock cam and intake and running 185Bhp (less than 198Bhp by the amount expected from the lower compression) with ZE cam and intake. That is exactly the expected result and common knowledge to every member here.
I actually missed this part of your post before, Charlie.
Interprep did their dyno testing with a Probe or MX-6, didn't they? Both of these cars came equipped with a 2.5l KLDE engine, not a 1.8l K8 engine.

They already had freer flowing exhaust systems than the K8 to begin with, which people keep forgetting throughout this entire discussion. With a KL exhaust attached to it, and KL tuning, a KLZE can produce close to 200 BHP.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 7:50 pm
by MrMazda92
SuperK wrote:This is the same threat that you gave some other person. Why would I travel across the nation for you? You obviously don't know me. I'm one hairy dude. There is no peach fuzz on my face. Although my head is disproportionately large for my body.

You will never know how I act or react in person, because you'll never see me. I am guessing you're drunk?

I haven't threatened you once Kris, I just doubt you would be so rude or disrespectful to ANYBODY in person. -.-
You can read into my post any way you like, but I would appreciate it if you didn't try to distort the intended meaning to further your own agenda.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 7:53 pm
by MrMazda92
Josh wrote:Here are a couple pages with info I have book marked.
Josh, those are 2 very informative pages, which I have bookmarked as well. -.-

Both the dyno results from David Coleman's page, and Alastair(Interprep) were the result of Dyno runs made with a Ford Probe GT. As we all know, the Probe GT came equipped with a 2.5l KLDE engine, and a freer flowing exhaust than any MX-3 ever left the factory with.

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 9:36 pm
by Sleeper6
From the top, I believe there is a gross misscomunication from what you are trying to read into Mrmazda92:
MrMazda92 wrote:I've seen yet another claim that "True curveneck ZE" engines produce 200 BHP, while "Millenia ZE" engines only produce 170 BHP.
You are arguing about finding out true BHP yet i doubt you realize what your asking based off your convictions of attached ecu/exhaust/etc. Heres a proper description:

Brake horsepower
Brake horsepower (bhp) is the measure of an engine's horsepower before the loss in power caused by the gearbox, alternator, differential, water pump, and other auxiliary components such as power steering pump, muffled exhaust system, etc. Brake refers to a device which was used to load an engine and hold it at a desired RPM. During testing, the output torque and rotational speed were measured to determine the brake horsepower. Horsepower was originally measured and calculated by use of the "indicator" (a James Watt invention of the late 18th century), and later by means of a De Prony brake connected to the engine's output shaft. More recently, an engine dynamometer is used instead of a De Prony brake. Although the output delivered to the driving wheels is less than that obtainable at the engine's crankshaft, a chassis dynamometer gives an indication of an engine's 'real world' horsepower after losses in the drive train and gearbox. This gives a reasonably accurate indication of how a wheeled vehicle engine will perform once on the road. ... horsepower

So at the end of the day, I can take a 1001BHP motor, shove it into any chasis I please, and no matter what restrictions I put on it, it is still a 1001BHP motor even if the chassis chokes it down to 20WHP. So yes I can take a full KL31 True KLZE motor (yes cams, intake,head,lower end) that makes 200BHPand it will still be capable to make 200BHP in a stock MX3. This says nothing about what its WHP will be as there is a great factor implied by the outside factors and attachments. And if a person is capable of turning a wrench to do this cant figure out why theres a big difference in WHP they didnt know what they were doing to start with.

btw, this is your chance to bow out gracefully, or atleast request this thread moved to OT, as I do enjoy the humor. Ill get my v6 info at PT :wink:

Re: KLZE confusion, trying to sort rumor from reality...

Posted: January 15th, 2013, 11:22 pm
by Ryan
This thread has no purpose. No value.

I can't even bear to fully read the posts.

There is no science in here, just speculation stacked on speculation.

Also a disheartening amount of ricer math.

Due to the high levels of emotion in here without anything solid, I'm locking it.