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Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 12:05 am
by Ryan
Taxes are WAY worse in Canada! We have an average of ~3.3 people per square kilometer. Argentina is apparently 14.

Think about it. We have a huge land mass, and no people. Who pays for the roads, not to mention the healthcare? We do.

You can fit 3.5 Argentina's in Canada by area, and you have 1.2x more people.

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 1:06 am
by Inodoro Pereyra
Wow... I knew Canada was much bigger than Argentina, but I didn't realize you had such a small population... :shock:

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 7:16 am
by NLRisingSun
Here in Holland we pay €1,62 for 1 liter gasoline so that is like

That is 2.12 American Dollar or 2.16 Canedian Dollar

Driving around happy with the 6 banger :lol: every week about €60 euro's gasoline to drive 300km..

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 10:00 am
by Ryan
Gas is hovering around the $1.00/L mark right now. Its been up past $1.50 before. It used to be $0.65 when I started driving a whole three years ago :(

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 12:46 pm
by wytbishop
I remember paying $0.42/L when I was a kid. Most I've ever paid is $1.39 for premium a couple of years ago.

I'm still doing lots of reading and finding a ton of really interesting stuff on the electric car forums. I found an article about a prototype car which was an A/C electric drivetrain with a small gasoline driven generator. On full electric the car had a range of about 150km, but with the gas generator running to recharge while driving, the car got 618mpg on the gas needed to power the generator. It required a lot of complex electronics to allow the generator to operate only when the batteries reached a certain discharge level, but a low tech variation of this kind of thing should be doable.

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 2:28 pm
by Ryan
I'm curious exactly how inefficient ICE engines are... I mean, its calculable, isn't it?

energy contained in 50L, and how much work it can do with that fuel...

It would give us a benchmark :) because, sure, 630 MPG is impressive, but what is our carnot efficiency?

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 2:57 pm
by wytbishop
"Most steel engines have a thermodynamic limit of 37%. Even when aided with turbochargers and stock efficiency aids, most engines retain an average efficiency of about 18%-20%.[11][12] Rocket engine efficiencies are better still, up to 70%, because they combust at very high temperatures and pressures and are able to have very high expansion ratios.[13]" ... efficiency

This is in line with what I know from Thermodynamics. 17% is the "General" case number I have been given in the past.

Now if you accept that there is a general range of thermodynamic efficiency that applies to all 4 cycle IC engines of basic design, comparing the distance driven per gallon of gasoline is a totally reasonable way of comparing one system to another. car with a standard 2.5L 4 cycle IC engine getting 25mpg can be compared to another car with an electric drive system that is recharged by an onboard 4 cycle gas powered generator and never needs to be plugged into an external power source. The truth is though, that this type of car would still be driven almost exclusively in the city and recharged from a 110V electrical outlet except when longer highway drives require charging en route. Determining the efficiency of electric propulsion requires understanding of how that electricity was generated. That topic is a source of much debate in the world of alternative energy.

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 5:28 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Ryan wrote:Gas is hovering around the $1.00/L mark right now. Its been up past $1.50 before. It used to be $0.65 when I started driving a whole three years ago :(
Can't be possible to be that cheap? I remember when I was paying $0.50c/L when I started driving, like damn, 13 years ago. Most I paid was back in 2005, I was living in Mississauga then, I think there was a hurricane that drove high-octane to $1.45-$1.49c/L. It never broke the $1.50 mark, maybe it did, but I never saw it when I filled up.

I'll be 3 years in spring that I've had the Xterra. I could probably find my buisness expense receipts, but I'm pretty sure gas was around and over $1/L back then, when the economy was strong, people had jobs, I was making damn good money and I didn't care it took $60 to fill my truck.

We're sitting at $1.10-1.11c/L right now.

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: February 23rd, 2011, 4:03 am
by ethand
Ryan wrote:Taxes are WAY worse in Canada! We have an average of ~3.3 people per square kilometer. Argentina is apparently 14.

Think about it. We have a huge land mass, and no people. Who pays for the roads, not to mention the healthcare? We do.

You can fit 3.5 Argentina's in Canada by area, and you have 1.2x more people.
Dont even start the whole population density thing!!! One word: Australia. haha we have one of the biggest areas of all the countries in the world, and a very small population (approx 22mil), so our population density is 2.9 people/km².
My state is the biggest of all the states, and has one of the smallest populations, so my state's population density is .91 ppl/km² hahaha.... so we pay HEAPS of taxes... amoungst the highest in the world :(

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: September 27th, 2011, 1:48 am
by cricketol2
EV are much cheaper then gas engines no seals go bad with electric motors not need for all the extra parts and is easier to fix to boot
no oil changes no tuneups ( pending on the battery it may take 5-25 years till they need to be changed ) and by then it would be cheaper and may be able to get an upgrade from 15-150+ now to 150-300+ maybe more

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: June 1st, 2012, 7:30 am
by OutlaW
i am in the start of reading your worklog, and i need to say this right now ...


Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: June 1st, 2012, 8:34 am
by OutlaW
lol, just finished reading the whole topic... still this topic's owner is my hero.
because he took the chance and actually made my dream real.
As some here know, im from Portugal. Right now we are seen as the leading electric transportation developers in Europe, maybe in the world.
There is a portuguese company called Mobi-E that received a lot of pressure to install Street Chargers ( much like gas pumps ) and there are a few around Lisbon already.
Together with Nissan's engineers, they are at the end of the research to be able to produce a 10minute fast charger.
Since a few months now, our way of life is beeing changed by EV's. Shopping malls have EV's only parking spaces (next to pregnant spots, lol ) to encourage people into getting green.
My dream is to change my K8 mx3 into MX3 EV. Eventually i will be able to do it, there is only the question of when will i be able to pull it off.


Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: June 3rd, 2012, 7:35 am
by ethand
An MX-3 EV would be great, but what interests me is what it was that caused the original poster to drop the project/drop posting about it. We never saw this guy on our Australian Eunos 30x forum (which most Aussie members on here are a part of), and because he's in my country, I reckon there might have been a significant setback here in getting this project going. Possibly just a lack of infrastructure here, but I fear it may have been something else, too... I just wish we could track them down again to find out!

Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 29th, 2012, 4:48 am
by OutlaW
and finally someone has the brain to think about this...


Re: Electric MX3 Conversion

Posted: December 29th, 2012, 2:36 pm
by kulluminati777
oh man that is sweet!!! Now im sure the MX3 can survive the future when we run out of fossil fuels lol