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Posted: April 21st, 2006, 1:12 pm
by marcus2966
you're doing better so let's try it again. Is an American or foreign car better for what? What cars in particular? Are we including cars only in a particular price range? Current models or any year? Do you consider a Honda built in the USA foreign or domestic? How about a Dodge built in Mexico or a Chevy built in Canada? Go get with your friends discuss these questions then come back with something more well thought out. Have a nice day.

JWMX3 wrote:
DJ wrote:Why do you think Trans Ams become lawn ornaments for hicks all over North America?
LOL.... that is so true

i live in the country and the number of houses you see GM vehicles sitting on the lawn with the grass around it grown up to the windows is amazing

a few old jettas too, but im not going to lie, its pretty much all domestics

Posted: April 21st, 2006, 1:24 pm
by fieromx3
yea i agree with davidos though i dont really bash anyone or anything on forums cuz i like to keep things positive when talking to ppl but the new charger is the ugliest car on the road and the hemi is the most over rated engine ever (5.7litres to make 340hp lol). i hate dodge. just like what franko said to the srt-4 ''everytime i see one coming my way i feeling like crashing into it'' or something like that. the older chargers are better..
ithe front looks like a squished dakota and the top part looks like its from a 300c. its like the put all the ugly chryslers together to make one ugly a-- car and put the hemi in it to think that it will solve all their problems :roll: and its 4 door, what muscle car was ever a 4 door?
srry to say i dont like bashing but i just cant stand those cars. thats my opinion


Posted: April 21st, 2006, 1:29 pm
by marcus2966
lol!!! :lol:

fieromx3 wrote:yea i agree with davidos though i dont really bash anyone or anything on forums cuz i like to keep things positive when talking to ppl but the new charger is the ugliest car on the road and the hemi is the most over rated engine ever (5.7litres to make 340hp lol). i hate dodge. just like what franko said to the srt-4 ''everytime i see one coming my way i feeling like crashing into it'' or something like that. the older chargers are better..
ithe front looks like a squished dakota and the top part looks like its from a 300c. its like the put all the ugly chryslers together to make one ugly a-- car and put the hemi in it to think that it will solve all their problems :roll: and its 4 door, what muscle car was ever a 4 door?
srry to say i dont like bashing but i just cant stand those cars. thats my opinion

Posted: April 21st, 2006, 1:42 pm
by mitmaks
fieromx3 wrote:yea i agree with davidos though i dont really bash anyone or anything on forums cuz i like to keep things positive when talking to ppl but the new charger is the ugliest car on the road and the hemi is the most over rated engine ever (5.7litres to make 340hp lol). i hate dodge. just like what franko said to the srt-4 ''everytime i see one coming my way i feeling like crashing into it'' or something like that. the older chargers are better..
ithe front looks like a squished dakota and the top part looks like its from a 300c. its like the put all the ugly chryslers together to make one ugly a-- car and put the hemi in it to think that it will solve all their problems :roll: and its 4 door, what muscle car was ever a 4 door?
srry to say i dont like bashing but i just cant stand those cars. thats my opinion


Posted: April 21st, 2006, 1:42 pm
by fieromx3
whats so funny? or is that the best comment u can think of? sad.. yea thx mitmaks and take no offense to ur charger..

Posted: April 21st, 2006, 1:43 pm
by mitmaks
fieromx3 wrote:whats so funny? or is that the best comment u can think of? sad..
he pm'd me sayings its the bomb. I would agree, its ugly as a bomb, big hog nose on it.

Re: lol

Posted: April 21st, 2006, 1:45 pm
by mitmaks
marcus2966 wrote:
DavidOS wrote:oh look its a big red box.... its that a caravan? i hear caravans cost like 250000 for ones that big LOL
1st thing. Work on your english.


Your driving a 12 year old car thats worth aprox $1.800 on a good day.

Please dont laugh at others...

hahahahahehehe :lol: :lol:
dont you drive old mx3 too?


Posted: April 21st, 2006, 1:52 pm
by marcus2966

Take it easy guy's dont blow a gasket.

Re: Porsche????

Posted: April 21st, 2006, 1:53 pm
by JWMX3
marcus2966 wrote:$4500 wooooooo!!!!

And A Porche, Please!!!!!
LMAO!!! :lol: :lol:

Ummm.... good english buddy

you spelt PORSCHE wrong

:roll: :roll: :roll:

and look, you dont need to capitalize every word, ok ?

shape up!

Posted: April 21st, 2006, 2:30 pm
by DJ
You made this topic to show what your brother just bought, and by doing so, to me you are asking our opinions on it. If you didn't want them, you should not have posted this topic at all.
You are just upset now because most people hate that car. The fact that most people here hate it should have been expected on a MAZDA MX-3 forum. Why don't you just post some picks of an Aerostar or a camper. Oh might actually get better comments.

Will this make you happy:
''wooo! ThATS IS AWeSOMO!!111!!!"


Posted: April 21st, 2006, 2:42 pm
by marcus2966
Come on guy's.

Dont tell me you all have bad tast!!!!

lmao :lol: :lol:

Posted: April 21st, 2006, 6:09 pm
by jrors
Hey guys if you want to flared up about something, let's talk about these outragous gas prices. Gas prices suck major a$$ now and it doesn't look like it's slowing down anytime soon. And what about that CEO of Chevron that's getting a $400 million dollar retirement package? Hmmm?

Anyway, I think the Charger is alright on design, inside and out.... but given the choice between having a fully loaded Charger or my 1993 MX-3 RS.....I'ld stick with my RS. Yeah the Charger whips it hands down in the power department..... but, the MX-3 does circles around the Charger when it comes to styling of the exterior and interior, hands down.

And let's be honest, 10 years from now, the MX-3 will still look very good inside and out.... it's a fact. But the Charger, will be just another car lost in the shuffle because of it's bland looks overall. Look no further to the recent Pontiac GTO for example. Yeah it packs a punch in power... but the styling is bland as it gets.

Re: Porsche????

Posted: April 21st, 2006, 6:20 pm
by DavidOS
A Porsche is in fact a common compliment and yes i only spent a few grand on my car and its faster and looks better then yours. Sounds like a good purchase to me. Where as your oversized gas guzzler is a waste of space and alot of money on something that has no style and is an irritant to the eyes.

marcus2966 wrote:$4500 wooooooo!!!!

And A Porche, Please!!!!!
LMAO!!! :lol: :lol:

DavidOS wrote:This is a forum, not a online grammar tool, nor a online school. I am clearly not and English God such as yourself, then again im not a social reject who edits forum posts for english. All the words i used were english which you understood quite clearly or you would not have replied with sand in you vagina and PMd me with the same genital irritation.
The big monster truck is ugly I stand by that, and on any given day my car is closer to 4500$. mx3s are more fun and look wwway better even when they have rust holes in them. If this was not the case then I would not have random ppl. always asking if its a porsche. This speaks volumes about Mazdas "zoomzoom" looks and something you will never hear about with your giant red RV. Truth hurts I guess.

ps. You brought this upon yourself now Please go and waste your life editing my posts for english and grammar. good beech!

Re: lol

Posted: April 21st, 2006, 9:59 pm
by relisys_3200
marcus2966 wrote:Come on guy's.

Dont tell me you all have bad tast!!!!

lmao :lol: :lol:

wow buddy, you sure made lots of enemies fast :lol:

Posted: April 22nd, 2006, 9:21 pm
by marcus2966
If all you can afford is your RS, then of course you will chose it over the Charger.
The mx-3 isn’t even in the same league as the charger. As for the GTO remark. It looks like a sunfire, and the sunfire looks like an MX-3 hellooooooooo.lololol

I thought I would post a pic of my Brothers car and all I got was rud and childish remarks.

Kid's honestly, if you ever pull up beside a 06 Charger please just keep looking strait and keep your head down. hahahaha

uote="jrors"]Hey guys if you want to flared up about something, let's talk about these outragous gas prices. Gas prices suck major a$$ now and

it doesn't look like it's slowing down anytime soon. And what about that CEO of Chevron that's getting a $400 million dollar retirement package? Hmmm?

Anyway, I think the Charger is alright on design, inside and out.... but given the choice between having a fully loaded Charger or my 1993 MX-3 RS.....I'ld stick with my RS. Yeah the Charger whips it hands down in the power department..... but, the MX-3 does circles around the Charger when it comes to styling of the exterior and interior, hands down.

And let's be honest, 10 years from now, the MX-3 will still look very good inside and out.... it's a fact. But the Charger, will be just another car lost in the shuffle because of it's bland looks overall. Look no further to the recent Pontiac GTO for example. Yeah it packs a punch in power... but the styling is bland as it gets.[/quote]