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Posted: August 30th, 2005, 11:18 pm
by Meep
I've been to Biloxi a few times. It makes me sad that it doesn't look the way it did 4 months ago (albeit I'm not a big fan of giant crabs/sharks, neon lights, and gambling). Its weird since I don't live down there but the places they've been describing as demolished and devastated were places I know of or had been at about 4 months ago.

And my husband wants to move to Pascagoula... haha! I've never been through a hurricane and I never plan to.

Here's a few pictures of Biloxi, Gulfport, and New Orleans a few months ago. Wonder how these places look now...

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Posted: August 31st, 2005, 8:21 am
by exdream_mx3
Still no response from Gregory????? Hope everything's ok!!

Posted: August 31st, 2005, 7:40 pm
by Ricksmx3
OMG!! Can you believe how much destruction there is down there. I have been watching the news channels nonstop and i just dont see how New Orleans will ever be able to be lived in again. I just dont see it happening because every single thing will have to be rebuilt all the roads will have repaved and all the power lines have to be rerun and if they were able to do all of this then it will be well over a year before anyone can live there again. Sad sad thing this is :(

Posted: September 1st, 2005, 3:20 am
by Chiggles
Indeed. Words just simpy can't describe the magnitude of damage that Katrina has left in her path. Catching glimpses of the newscast on CNN throughout my day at work today, it was just so tragic to know that countless people over there have lost EVERYTHING they've ever owned - homes, belongings, sentimental value keepsakes, etc. Watching footage of people in distress due to not knowing if their families/friends were okay cuz they were separated when the storm hit, and just the endless stretch of land that's under severe flooding.... it's unbelievable..... Even after the clean-up, it's hard to imagine how things can ever be the same again......... :cry:

Posted: September 1st, 2005, 9:40 am
by Custommx3
If you guys ever have money you can spare, donate it to the redcross.
( Being in memphis, alot of the refugees from the hurricane are comming here. All the hotels are full, and most of the shelters are full. There are talks of using the Memphis pyramid (its a pyramid shaped statium) to help shelter those refugees since we are only about 5-6 hrs from New Orleans. Also, if you guys are donating bottled water and such to trucks comming down here, remember, what you may pay for a 20 pack of bottled water, the recross may get 4 times as much for what you pay. Money is easier managed too than a bunch of trucks showing up to hungry, desparate refugees.

DONATE to the REDCROSS!!.. and ;)

Posted: September 1st, 2005, 10:26 am
by mrspanky79
well finaly got some good and bad news last night. My girlfriends mom survived the strom but there house in golfport is no longer livable.

Posted: September 2nd, 2005, 1:24 pm
by Meep
I still haven't heard from my husband's grandmother and my husband is telling me its extremely horrible down there. When he got to Hattiesburg, he had to buy his own supplies so he could do his job because of all the people looting and shooting others down there. One guy shot his sister in the head after arguing over a bag of ice.

They're moving him to the Gulf Coast now- to Biloxi, Gulfport, and Pascagoula. So I'm not going to hear from him for a few days. I asked him the last chance I had to talk to him about how he was handling it, he just turned silent. I had to reassure him that we haven't heard from his grandmother because there's no power. She wasn't in an area devastated by Katrina albeit there was extensive flooding in her area but she's in a elevated area plus her house is above ground.

He's going back to his hometown but he doesn't have one to really go back to.