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Posted: January 22nd, 2005, 1:04 pm
by MarkMoore
oh man, i'm gonna have too much fun disecting this one
Remember Somalia? you guys thought you'd try and take down the head of the rebels but instead got your asses handed to you? I mean come on man the rest of the world sees that theres nothing we can do
UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing we can do????!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?! we toppled Hussein and released all the people out from under his oppression and reign!!!! they will never again be under his dictatorship!!!! how can you say we can't do anything.... WE'VE ALREADY DONE SOMETHING!!!! in fact, we completed the hard part.... now we're lending a helping hand to stabilize their government so that they can enjoy the freedom we have!!!!! oh man alive!

P.S. i believe it was the brilliant political philosopher Edmund Burke who said "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" ... enough said
Would you like to put billions of dollars into wars that have absolutely NOTHING to do with you?
You're right man.. since i'm not the one being slaughtered, tortured, killed, and enslaved who cares? i mean, helping them isn't worth a few bucks out of my pocket!!! i mean, come on now!!! $$$$ is important stuff... don't want it bogged down by liberating the oppressed and down-trodden... let them deal w/ it themselves
Think of the future your kids will have to pay more taxes then they make in their salary.
couple mistakes here.... first off, liberals (Kerry)=high taxes, more government programs... and conservatives (Bush)=lower taxes via tax cuts, and less government programs

Secondly, i know doing the right thing isn't always convenient, but it's ALWAYS worth it... boohoo... forget about tax dollars (FYI, i'm not conceding to the thought that taxes will go up for this war)... we have a responsibility to humanity to stick up for the weak and less fortunate, and protect those who are being oppressed, and to not cower in the corner only concerned with our own little world, ignoring the cries of millions... especially since we are so blessed as a nation (and canada too)... we as a culture are better off than anyone throughout the course of history... no one has had it better than us... so i think the least thing we can do is to give back after being so blessed... everything we have is God-given... how then, can we stand by and let innocent people be killed and oppressed? i bet the blacks in the USA are glad certain brave white men didn't do that... just ask one and he'll probably tell you that he's grateful that some brave men went against convention, stood up for his beliefs, and stared down any who opposed them... that act of bravery brought freedom to the blacks... i believe it is wrong to watch people suffer while we have so much... what's so great about us that only we deserve freedom and happiness, while others deserve bondage and misery?? we like to think we deserve it more, but we don't... i know i won't stand by and let injustice take place

Posted: January 22nd, 2005, 1:16 pm
by papa roached
but aint it so great when you do it and they still hate you for it or the rest of the world hates you for it, just gives you that warm fuzzy feeling all over dont it?

Posted: January 22nd, 2005, 1:25 pm
by MarkMoore
papa roached wrote:but aint it so great when you do it and they still hate you for it or the rest of the world hates you for it, just gives you that warm fuzzy feeling all over dont it?
ummmmmmmm, yea right... you missed one of my main points.... i said doing what's right isn't convenient, and you should expect to be hated by some... and those same people are selfish cowards.... it doesn't matter that france hates us!!!! WHO CARES!!!!!

there's another great quote i like... but don't know who said it... goes something like this

"Do right for the sake of doing right"

don't do the right thing expecting some great reward, but do it out of the goodness of your heart... if you are dissappointed that you don't get rewarded for doin the right thing, then obviously you went into it for the wrong reason and with a bad motive... you do what's right for the betterment of mankind, not so that you get some "warm, fuzzy feeling"

anyway, i need to allow the vein in my forehead to receed

Posted: January 22nd, 2005, 2:03 pm
by johnnyb
you're just not getting it man. You cant help everyone, face it your country will dig itself into a hole so big that it will never recover. You think tax cuts are a good thing? Your president has buried you in a deficit so big because hes pumping so much money into someone elses problem and lowering the taxes at the same time it takes money to buy all these rounds of bullets and the missles and the fuel for the vehicles. Your dollar hasnt been as worthless in a long time and this is all because you're spending more then you're making. I'm sure you have credit cards, and maybe have a balance, if you dont pay the bill the creditors come after you. Dont you think these companies want to be paid as well? Sure Saddam killed people but shouldnt you look at your own streets before you go off into another country. tens of thousands of people are dying in the US every year in murders. You need to get your priorities straight before you go off on some "liberating" mission. You need to face your own issues man. You think the people in Iraq are better off but thats because you're believing what you're being told by your government. I dont only follow news stations in my area I do research before I make these claims. The Iraqi people hate the western world now, Bush may tell you that they love you but they dont man and you gotta realize this. Sometimes to do the right thing is to do nothing at all. It may sound harsh but do you think if Bush started killing people in his own country because they didnt vote for him that they would come and liberate you? no they tell you you're on your own its not our problem

Posted: January 22nd, 2005, 3:03 pm
by MarkMoore
It may sound harsh but do you think if Bush started killing people in his own country because they didnt vote for him that they would come and liberate you? no they tell you you're on your own its not our problem
but you don't understand, i don't think that's right, it's the wrong thing to do!!!! and we shouldn't base our actions on what we think the other people would do if the roles were reversed!

but anyways, i can see we're getting no where here, let's just agree to disagree... i think i've said everything i need to say

no hard feelings here, hope you can say the same

Posted: January 22nd, 2005, 3:04 pm
by 93-Spec-Edn
johnnyb wrote:you're just not getting it man. You cant help everyone, face it your country will dig itself into a hole so big that it will never recover. You think tax cuts are a good thing? Your president has buried you in a deficit so big because hes pumping so much money into someone elses problem and lowering the taxes at the same time it takes money to buy all these rounds of bullets and the missles and the fuel for the vehicles. Your dollar hasnt been as worthless in a long time and this is all because you're spending more then you're making. I'm sure you have credit cards, and maybe have a balance, if you dont pay the bill the creditors come after you. Dont you think these companies want to be paid as well? Sure Saddam killed people but shouldnt you look at your own streets before you go off into another country. tens of thousands of people are dying in the US every year in murders. You need to get your priorities straight before you go off on some "liberating" mission. You need to face your own issues man. You think the people in Iraq are better off but thats because you're believing what you're being told by your government. I dont only follow news stations in my area I do research before I make these claims. The Iraqi people hate the western world now, Bush may tell you that they love you but they dont man and you gotta realize this. Sometimes to do the right thing is to do nothing at all. It may sound harsh but do you think if Bush started killing people in his own country because they didnt vote for him that they would come and liberate you? no they tell you you're on your own its not our problem
very well put :2thumbsup:

Posted: January 22nd, 2005, 3:16 pm
by MarkMoore
you'll never put a 100% end to murder in your homeland... so by that same logic, we never step in and help the less fortunate until we reach this unnattainable goal...

don't see how it is so "well put"


Posted: January 24th, 2005, 3:59 am
by bubbaflaat
DAMNIT make your own thread!! WTF, are you trying to make ALL my threads go crazy?! Politics is a debate that will never end. NEVER

Posted: January 24th, 2005, 12:46 pm
by jplar
Mark, Johnny, take it to PMs. That's what I did. I think the whole ubb is much happier for it. Neither of you are helping your cases.

As Bubba said, this topic has gone way off topic.

Posted: January 24th, 2005, 2:05 pm
by 93SOHC
jplar wrote:Mark, Johnny, take it to PMs. That's what I did. I think the whole ubb is much happier for it. Neither of you are helping your cases.

As Bubba said, this topic has gone way off topic.
True dat!

Posted: January 24th, 2005, 3:32 pm
by mitmaks
johnnyb wrote:you're just not getting it man. You cant help everyone, face it your country will dig itself into a hole so big that it will never recover. You think tax cuts are a good thing? Your president has buried you in a deficit so big because hes pumping so much money into someone elses problem and lowering the taxes at the same time it takes money to buy all these rounds of bullets and the missles and the fuel for the vehicles. Your dollar hasnt been as worthless in a long time and this is all because you're spending more then you're making. I'm sure you have credit cards, and maybe have a balance, if you dont pay the bill the creditors come after you. Dont you think these companies want to be paid as well? Sure Saddam killed people but shouldnt you look at your own streets before you go off into another country. tens of thousands of people are dying in the US every year in murders. You need to get your priorities straight before you go off on some "liberating" mission. You need to face your own issues man. You think the people in Iraq are better off but thats because you're believing what you're being told by your government. I dont only follow news stations in my area I do research before I make these claims. The Iraqi people hate the western world now, Bush may tell you that they love you but they dont man and you gotta realize this. Sometimes to do the right thing is to do nothing at all. It may sound harsh but do you think if Bush started killing people in his own country because they didnt vote for him that they would come and liberate you? no they tell you you're on your own its not our problem
exactly my thought, should take care of our own country before helping out others, its good to help others but would you give your buddy $500 to fix his...prelude and walk to college not having cash to get your mx3 fixed? :?:

Posted: January 24th, 2005, 9:19 pm
by johnnyb
jplar wrote:Mark, Johnny, take it to PMs. That's what I did. I think the whole ubb is much happier for it. Neither of you are helping your cases.

As Bubba said, this topic has gone way off topic.
lol i stopped a long time ago