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Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 8th, 2012, 3:14 pm
by RobMinhas
Reminds me of my family Josh, they insist I look at their cars, and I've been spot on every time so far(radiator hose leaking, bad oil, bad sprak plug wires, loose heat shield, alternator belt, blown fuse) and after I look at it, offer to fix it(nothing i've had to look at yet has been particularily hard) but they'll still insist on taking it to a shop and blowing money on a fifteen year old car. For example the gauges s--- out on a 98 Explorer, I checked the fuses, found one blown, told them to buy one for chump change and stick it in. Instead my uncle takes it to a garage that checks for a short in the wirign all the way through, then finds its a fuse and replaces it. Total cost was 190 dollars vs. fifty cents for the fuse with me sticking it in.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 8th, 2012, 6:40 pm
by Evo_Spec
wow that sucks guys
See when i help people out, i take the initiative and just do it or force them to let me do it so i've never really had the problem of people going and getting themselves screwed because i know how much shops like to buttfuck people.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 9th, 2012, 8:46 am
by Ryan
I'm also the guy who spends all his time working on other people's cars for nothing in return. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I actually like doing it, but when people go do something like that.... Then I feel like I'm wasting my time. I have a friend who owns a Probe who does this to me all the time. Spends a ridiculous amount of money at shops after I tell him what he needs (Disty problems, suspension problems, brakes... all simple stuff)

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 9th, 2012, 2:02 pm
by MrMazda92
Ugh, that sucks Josh... Then she had the nerve to belittle you and imply that you didn't know what you were doing? I don't know if I could have poker faced it, I might have snapped...

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 9th, 2012, 2:19 pm
by Josh
Yeah well glad I am not alone. That's how i felt just a complete and utter waist of my time. I enjoy helping people and saving them money but to go through all the hassle to just have her go pay someone kind of a kick to the jewels. oh well, I will probably never help her again and or give her advice on it. it just sucks that she quilt literally lives next door to me, I cant wait to move. haha

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 10th, 2012, 3:51 am
by MrMazda92
My turn...

New job, today was my 4th day.
I ended up getting metal shavings in my left eye, and went to urgent care(worker's comp paid for it), and found out I'll be fine. Minimal scratching that won't affect my vision, and it'll heal in 1-2 days, go me!

So, I head back to work, to fill out paperwork and head home.
WRONG. My supervisor literally threatens my job, if I don't stay the full shift(at this point, 8 to 1), despite my "doctor's note" saying go home and rest. To tack it on, they sent me home at midnight anyways!!! :evil:

I'm pissed.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 23rd, 2012, 10:59 pm
by atx_mx3
MrMazda92 wrote:My turn...

New job, today was my 4th day.
I ended up getting metal shavings in my left eye, and went to urgent care(worker's comp paid for it), and found out I'll be fine. Minimal scratching that won't affect my vision, and it'll heal in 1-2 days, go me!

So, I head back to work, to fill out paperwork and head home.
WRONG. My supervisor literally threatens my job, if I don't stay the full shift(at this point, 8 to 1), despite my "doctor's note" saying go home and rest. To tack it on, they sent me home at midnight anyways!!! :evil:

I'm pissed.


"My turn. New job, today was my 4th...and last day" :love: :love:

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 6:27 am
by MrMazda92

Ended up being let go, I believe over this exact incident... Oregon is an "at will employment state" so they didn't specify, but my work was above par and timely, on top of my punctuality and willingness to work overtime. -.-

I'm back to my old job, which is way more satisfying(albeit less financially rewarding)

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 6:25 pm
by Daninski
Ok, so I never really wanted to write up a resume to get a job, I just kinda passed it along to friends that I wouldn't mind making a few bucks for mad money (I'm retired right). So I got a job last year doing HVAC then this year doing HVAC for a new company. It was only part time so, I get an Email from my friends brother for work so I start working for him part time. Now it's like 7-8 hours a day + and business is crazy. We can't keep equipment in stock and my raw materials keep running out before more come in. Every week the business grows exponentially. I got a pay raise even though I refused it cuz the company is still developing and reinvesting. So now the point to this rant.
Anyone here who smokes cigarettes and wants to avoid the increase in cancer risk PM me. This is no gimmick and I'm only doing this for a limited time (I'll be too busy selling slap chops) so. :wink: I'll get you my wholesale price on an E cigarette system and what ever juice you'd like for my price. Yes Dan is in the E cigarette biz but not sales. I have a wholesale account for family and close friends so I make nothing on this. If Jeff turfs this then so be it but my intention here is honorable. If you want to quit smoking and still get your nicotine fix let me know, I'll hook you up. :2thumbsup:

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 31st, 2012, 11:55 am
by Josh
My folks switched to those E cigarette's they are kind of cool and you can get a nice buzz off of them :) had to try a drag (i dont smoke). they even light the cherry and put out smoke for that realistic feel. the bonus is you can use them indoors and people freak the F out over it, its pretty funny.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: October 24th, 2012, 1:17 am
by MrMazda92
On this week's episode of ProbeTalk Pleasantries, we have Dan [Sac] making an a-- of himself(again!): Edit: We also have boobs. :lol:


I imagine the 10 year veteran member forgot to check the weekly rule changes. Problem? It'd be possible to politely mention this to him, but we all know Dan is a class act to begin with. :roll:

I'm just glad that he is merely a peon(to use Danny's word for regular membership, i.e. non mods) on this board, so I can freely say this here. :lol:

While I respect what Dan's knowledge(as well as money, hint hint) have offered to the K series world, I don't respect his bad attitude, and general disrespect for anyone outside of his fan club.

I don't see him verbally abusing those calling him a "PT God" or any of the other exaggerated titles he's accumulated over recent years, even when they KNOWINGLY break ProbeTalk "Corner Store" rules on a daily basis.


Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: December 5th, 2012, 2:00 pm
by Josh

Why does it seem like everyone and their mother are blowing up peoples WL's with virtually

This is getting out of control. People need to quit posting about themselves in others WL or having full on discussions without the WL owner. Some of you guys are going to scare new folks away...

am I the only one who thinks this? I would post in them but that just adds to the problem...

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: December 5th, 2012, 2:17 pm
by RobMinhas
I agree Josh, it makes it seem a little hostile to new members when everyone is posting about themselves in their work logs. I try to hold my tongue when I have questions that divert from the work log by pming the person who I'd ask the question to instead of commenting it, especially if it's a heavy question with back and forth.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: December 5th, 2012, 2:45 pm
by SuperK
I both agree and owe an apology to you.

I have been frustrated with the worklogs as well and got to the point where I lashed out...

... but I did it in the worklogs, so that was counter productive.

But I am tired of reading through Josh's worklog and constantly hear "Let me talk about MY car" from another member.
Then reading through Demonic's worklog and seeing, "Let me talk about MY car" from another forum member.
Then reading through DrunkMX3rs worklog and seeing, "let me talk about MY car" from another forum member.

so my one spam post in the worklog I will remove, but it's crap when I am reading about one persons worklog just to hear someone else talk about themselves constantly... or argue.

And because we can apparently call out Dan [sac] publicly on this forum I'm going to call out Blake, Mrmazda92 who once again has reported me to moderators because of my comment when I lashed out and told him to SERIOUSLY chill out because every post in people's worklogs are about himself.

While this post won't last long those who DO get a opportunity to read it will hopefully notice the hypocrisy and stop putting up with this crap behavior.

I welcome any and all attacks so feel free to offensively attack me for what I have just said.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: December 5th, 2012, 3:08 pm
by kulluminati777
:lol: :lol: :lol: I have never noticed any kind of spamming and self promoting till now. I may be guilty of these crimes as well :crying: