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Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 22nd, 2012, 3:16 pm
by MrMazda92
Saw this on ProbeTalk today:
dmark101 wrote:why does this question continually pop up with the noob never bothering to search? :???:

the question has been answered, yet again: NGK V-Power plugs and NGK spark plug wires. best for the car. always have been.
I guess since the owner of PT prefers NGK, there is obviously no other choice worth considering. :roll:

To his credit, he didn't lock the thread this time. :shrug:

This is exactly the reason PT is an unreliable source of information, people constantly push their personal opinions as fact... An administrator should know better.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 22nd, 2012, 3:44 pm
by Mooneggs
Anything from forums on the internet should be taken with a grain of salt. I'm all for voicing opinions based on experiential knowledge but it's just experiential knowledge from me. Somebody else's experiences are more than likely different... Some people force their opinion's more than others. Some moderators are not moderators at all but rather just bullies with more power than they should have. :shrug:

As far as your "rights" on a forum, it's really up to the people in charge - good, bad, or indifferent. Keep in the mind that at the end of the day, somebody has to pay to keep a forum running...

At the end of the day it's up to you, human, to make a decision based on ALL of your research about any given topic. You do have a brain after all to process these things. :mrgreen:

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 22nd, 2012, 6:02 pm
by fowljesse
You know what chaps my hide? Mooneggs' being right all the time. Using logic in a volatile situation really gets my blood boiling. You should rant and rave, and shake your fist!

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 29th, 2012, 4:57 pm
by MrMazda92
Mooneggs wrote:Some moderators are not moderators at all but rather just bullies with more power than they should have. :shrug:
This is literally the only forum where I haven't seen this exact trait. It's the reason I post here, and lurk elsewhere. You guys keep it running smoothly, and keep ego out of the question. Hell, I don't even know who half the moderators are anymore! Several don't have it as their usergroup. :shrug: That's a good thing.

MX6 dot COM rant

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 5:49 pm
by Josh
So, does anyone else find that forum annoying?

Being newish to that forum I find a lot of there advertisements quite annoying, some times it takes F O R E V E R to load. Plus I cannot send PM's even though they say I should be able to send 100 a month. Makes trying to purchase things quite a hassle.

IDK just ranting.... wondering if anyone else has the same issues. Seems like several on there have the same qualms.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 7:05 pm
by Daninski
I only had one BIG SHOT give me a hard time on Probe talk. He talked about all his mechanical work and swaps and that anything he said I could take as fact. Some BS from a Shark as I recall. I knew he had been there for a long time but he didn't remember we'd spoke before so I kinda knew him. I do prefer when people quote manuals or other fact verifying mediums. Now MX6 is advertising heaven :(
I posted a question on NASIOC and it took over 70 reads before anyone took the time to answer my question and then one guy said he thought my question was a joke because the job was so easy to do. I told him I didn't have the car here to look at but was coaching my son to do a repair and he was 3 hrs from me. Pr*cks. We did end up fixing the car and saving over $500.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: March 13th, 2012, 7:49 am
by _-Night-Shade-_
Never had any problems with PT.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: April 28th, 2012, 2:00 pm
by stepchyld
My rant: A company called Flexible-Flyer. They make swingsets.
Here's the story: My mom had been hunting for a good deal on a swingset for my 3-year-old niece. Kids love swings! A deal came along from Atwoods, on a Flexible-Flyer set that was within her budget. and MADE IN USA! which made her happy, supporting a company whose manufacturing is state-side.
She buys it, and I go to help her put it up, my step-father 'step-dude' isn't much help with such things (one reason I now dislike my username, it was in honor of my mom finding a good man, turns out he ain't that great) -sorry, rant within a rant -
One top-bar was missing (couldn't even start building it), and of 8 wood pieces for the sandbox, 4 were in poor shape, 1 looks like it had termites. All of them need to be sanded before assembling, because kids WILL get splinters from them.
Packing errors happen, we understand this, people aren't perfect. Poor quality wood for children to play on, not acceptable...
She emailed the company Saturday night. No response Monday, so I call Tuesday. Automated voice says to leave a message. I do. She receives a generic response to her email that evening, "Your parts will be shipped soon, 7-10 days for delivery". I never receive a call back, but maybe my call spurred them into helping her faster, idk.

No explanation of what 'parts' will be shipped, no apology for the missing part, no apology for poor quality wood.

MADE IN USA, I'll support, but this is a poor experience. We're still waiting on the parts, and are glad my niece wasn't there that day to share our disappointment...

thanks for letting me rant

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 7:26 pm
by MrMazda92

Was your problem ever resolved? Out of curiosity, it's unfortunate to see a domestic company behaving so poorly... Quality control should be better stateside, not worse. :(

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 10:18 pm
by Daninski
_-Night-Shade-_ wrote:Never had any problems with PT.
That's ok, you've caused enough here. :P

Ok, my rant. A guy buys my camping trailer, gives me a cheque. They're both thrilled with the purchase. A day later he calls says he's changed his mind and is putting a stop payment on the cheque. I said we had a deal and he says nope changed my mind. I've always believed no one can take your integrity but you can certainly give it up. This guy has no integrity.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 10:51 pm
by SuperK
this is why signed bill of sale is always needed for large transactions

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 4th, 2012, 12:21 pm
by stepchyld

Thanks for the interest. I agree with you completely.
It was somewhat resolved.
The company did send the missing bar and a complete set of wood for the sandbox. Took over 10 days though.
Missing bar was fine, we were able to set it up and niece LOVES it.
However, this set of wood pieces was almost as bad as the first! From two complete sets, we've enough good parts to build the sandbox and enough bad ones to make a cover for the sandbox (to keep mom's dachsunds from digging around in it and the roaming cats from doing what they do in sand). May as well put them to some use, right? We haven't sanded and installed the sandbox yet, too hot!
We'll have no further dealings with Flexible-Flyer...

On other topic: I've yet to have dealings on PT, but yeah, MX6 is laden with ads, quite annoying.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 4th, 2012, 9:10 pm
by MrMazda92
Good to know!!
At least they put in a little effort, it's still sad to see quality control wasn't much better. They did send the second set of wood for free, at least? Good idea for the excess too, and yeah I know all too well about cats and sand. :lol: Little monsters!

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 5th, 2012, 2:54 am
by stepchyld
Yep, complete set of wood was free, 8 pieces total. Still need sanding and probably treated (can't trust what treatment they may have used, especially after this hassle), but at least we have a full serviceable set. They did make it somewhat right, even if it seems they did it grudgingly.
Little monsters indeed! You know they're an invasive species?

Daninski, that sucks. No integrity at all, no class either. Did you already hand over the camper?

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: August 8th, 2012, 3:08 pm
by Josh
How often do you help others?

My rant, I do not belong to a church or other establishment or make crazy amounts of money to where I can give it away to those in need, instead I help many people on odds and ends. Miscl home repairs or upgrades, and auto repairs donating my time and knowledge not ever asking for money in return, even driving a state away to help someone. But as of late I have been helping my good buddy's future step mother with her lexus and an electrical problem. She has cancer and is going through a tough time so money is very tight for her. Long story short. After several hours of chasing the issue down I found the bad module. She was going to order the part that night to have it the next day, well then she called me and said she would have her son install it. OK great i thought. well 3 months later still was not done and she tells my buddy i never told her what was going on with it. Well he knew different, and she was going through some stuff so I let it go. She had not even ordered the part so i sourced the numbers prices and had her get it. well she went in and the parts guy convinced her that it was not the part and could not be and that they never go out. so they sold her a switch... WTF... so I changed it just to make her happy and to show her it did nothing to rectify the issue. Then the parts guys said its the relay so we did that too. only to find out that my previous diagnosis was correct. keep in mind that this woman is broke has no credit cards and my buddy is paying for this. well turns out the part is a dealer only module, its 450. bucks. so I said I could pull it out and see if I may be able to solder the bad connections and get it working again. so as I am waiting for her response several days go by and i find out that she did not believe me so she took it to a shop payed 150 dollars for a diagnosis and is paying them 700 in total to fix the issue. WTF is wrong with people. then turns out that they are only soldering the module doing exactly what I was going to do in the first place, then she has the audacity to say Josh .. you should be a mechanic... the part was bad... I say yeah I know i was a mechanic for the last 15 years as we have discussed in the past. What makes it worse is she is my neighbor, and lives directly in the condo next to mine. I feel insulted, and that does not happen very often, and I let a lot of things go but dam this woman frustrates me. I want to say something to her but know it will not help anything. but Fk...

well that's my rant in a nutshell