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Re: Addicted much? How may MX-3's have you owned.

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 10:07 pm
by Mooneggs
Nd4SpdSe wrote:Never understood having 2 of the same vehicle, you don't get any extra functionality that the other doesn't provide.
tsk tsk... BECAUSE RACE CAR :mrgreen:

Re: Addicted much? How may MX-3's have you owned.

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 1:45 am
by MrMazda92
Nd4SpdSe wrote:Never understood having 2 of the same vehicle, you don't get any extra functionality that the other doesn't provide.
For me it's simple.

I like driving an MX-3.
My first MX-3 was purchased 3 years ago, and was bone stock. I'm slowly learning and building it as I see fit, and working towards multiple goals, without paying out the a-- for instant gratification. Should I not be allowed to enjoy a KL powered MX-3 in the meantime? Maybe I should go back to driving an SUV, and instead of buying parts I could buy gas! 8)

It's also nice, when it comes to trouble shooting, having the ability to swap and test EVERY SINGLE item on your car, to find out where the problem lies in far less time than other means might allow.

If I need to tow something, or haul anything I can't fit in the MX-3, then I borrow an SUV or pickup from a friend. There's no "extra functionality" in driving an 18mpg SUV around town with no passengers or cargo, so I bought cars that better fit my day to day needs.

Were my boats not dry-docked at the local lake, and I had to tow them weekly, I would still own an SUV. :shrug: Any vehicle that isn't saving me money, is costing me money. I've sucked it up and driven a Civic hatch around for the past few months to save on gas, and have limited myself to driving the MX-3 when I have no choice, or want to have a good time behind the wheel.

It all comes down to what you need, and what you'll use most. Do I need an SUV or pickup more than 20 days out of the year? Hell no. Do I need a car that I can afford to drive, and will constantly enjoy driving, more than 20 days out of the year? Try 200+ days out of the year... I drive more than 50,000 miles a year, and I wouldn't be doing that at 18mpg.

There are a lot of reasons to own multiple cars, and whether they're the same model or not, their purpose doesn't have to be identical...

Hell, someone may want to have a red car, as well as a black car. :lol: If they want it, why not?

Re: Addicted much? How may MX-3's have you owned.

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 11:05 am
by Demonic1
I've had 2.
My first one, before I bought it, before the guy took all the cool parts off...
I ended up totalling that one in Oklahoma. Stupid truck pulled out in front of me.
And my current one that has been through way too much. But she still keeps ticking...
But not the bad HLA ticking...