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Posted: October 9th, 2006, 7:28 pm
by cjthor
Tunes67 wrote:Yup.. Was kinda hoping she would have her earring too just to be funny LOL I think it would be cool if the Galactica was destroyed in battle and the Pegasus was renamed Galactica in honor of her sacrifice (Its a way cooler ship LOL)

I thought both ships were battlestars? Same class right?

Posted: October 9th, 2006, 7:43 pm
by Tunes67
They are both Battlestars... but not the same class.. The Pegasus is almost twice the size of the Galactica and her compliment of Vipers are all the newest type (Cant remember their designation though) and she carries 2-3 times as many vipers as well. Her computer systems are upgraded as well and she is supposed to be a bit faster (non jump speeds) than the Galactica. Thats why it was pretty gutsy of Adama to challenge Caine over those 2 men.. the Pegasus would have pasted the Galactica in a fight.. though from the look of it.. her viper pilots werent anywhere near as good as Starbuck or Apollo. Which is why Caine had them both transferred to the Pegasus. The Galactica was on the verge of being decommissioned and retired when the Cylons attacked. She was one of the last (if not the last) battlestar left from the original Cylon wars. The Pegasus is supposed to be one of the newest and the flagship battlestar of the colonies.


Posted: October 9th, 2006, 8:23 pm
by cjthor
man we are NERDS!!

Posted: October 9th, 2006, 8:39 pm
by Tunes67
LMAO.. I was actually thinking I was rather pathetic for knowing that stuff LOL I was hoping no one would say anything LOL


Posted: October 9th, 2006, 8:52 pm
by cjthor
Tunes67 wrote:LMAO.. I was actually thinking I was rather pathetic for knowing that stuff LOL I was hoping no one would say anything LOL

I used to be (and kinda still am) in to Star Trek big time. I even worked at the conventions helping out with the quizzes they had. All thru high school I actually studied the tech manuals and all that stuff. I have everyones autograph, a crapload of toys still in the boxes and three scripts autographed. Definitely a fun part of my life. Who else can say they met every main character from the original star trek and the next generation!

Posted: October 9th, 2006, 9:49 pm
by Blazianenigma
Guess its time to wait for the next new episode.

Posted: October 10th, 2006, 1:32 am
by Tunes67
Yeah I was a trekkie.. still have some of the stuff.. Met James Doohan twice.. and Michael Dorn once. But never met any of the others.. found a autographed game of Star Fleet Battles at a yard sale once.. signed by Walter Koenig. It was trashed though.. a shame really. I still have the STNG Enterprise tech manual on CD.. along with a couple of other CD's. But I really havent followed it much since the end of STNG. Didnt like their choice of captains for either Voyager or Enterprise and there just wasnt enough exploration in DS9 for my taste. Scott Bakula couldnt act his way out of a paper bag.

Did you see the roast of William Shatner on comedy central a couple of weeks ago? Now that was some funny stuff :lol:

I am also a big Stargate SG1 fan. Though I liked it better when Richard Dean Anderson was around and the show wasnt a gathering spot for acting refugees from Andromeda and Farscape. Andromeda I can sorta understand.. Lexa Doig is a hottie and Michael Shanks would of course want his wife around... But TWO of Farscapes main characters? :roll:

Have you watched the new Dr. Who at all? I had a GF back in the 80's that got me watching the original show.. I like the new one a lot better :lol:

Ok I have rambled enough about Sci Fi LOL


Posted: October 10th, 2006, 1:39 am
by cjthor
Tunes67 wrote:Yeah I was a trekkie.. still have some of the stuff.. Met James Doohan twice.. and Michael Dorn once. But never met any of the others.. found a autographed game of Star Fleet Battles at a yard sale once.. signed by Walter Koenig. It was trashed though.. a shame really. I still have the STNG Enterprise tech manual on CD.. along with a couple of other CD's. But I really havent followed it much since the end of STNG. Didnt like their choice of captains for either Voyager or Enterprise and there just wasnt enough exploration in DS9 for my taste. Scott Bakula couldnt act his way out of a paper bag.

Did you see the roast of William Shatner on comedy central a couple of weeks ago? Now that was some funny stuff :lol:

I am also a big Stargate SG1 fan. Though I liked it better when Richard Dean Anderson was around and the show wasnt a gathering spot for acting refugees from Andromeda and Farscape. Andromeda I can sorta understand.. Lexa Doig is a hottie and Michael Shanks would of course want his wife around... But TWO of Farscapes main characters? :roll:

Have you watched the new Dr. Who at all? I had a GF back in the 80's that got me watching the original show.. I like the new one a lot better :lol:

Ok I have rambled enough about Sci Fi LOL

I kinda got out of Trek when TNG finished up too. I watched DS9 for a while but it just wasnt the same. I met the creator of Babylon 5 at a convetion and got hooked on that when it came out. Then it was definitely on to Farscape!!

Posted: October 10th, 2006, 10:16 am
by Custommx3
YEs, we're nerds, but who cares.

I work in an office thats 80% guys. We ALL watch it. You should here us on Mondays....

Posted: October 10th, 2006, 12:17 pm
by cjthor
Custommx3 wrote:YEs, we're nerds, but who cares.

I work in an office thats 80% guys. We ALL watch it. You should here us on Mondays....
Nobody at my work watches BSG..... :evil: :evil: So I bug Barry!!

Posted: October 10th, 2006, 1:15 pm
by Tunes67
I hear you man.. only one person here where I work watches Sci Fi at all.. and he is a bit of a bible thumper.. I call him Preacher after Ron Glass' character on Firefly. Yet another Sci Fi show thats decent. The movie Serenity was excellent too :)


Posted: October 10th, 2006, 4:24 pm
by lakersfan1
The new Battlestar sucks. It's like a Sci Fi version of a daytime soap. Save the drama for your mama. The old Battlestar plots ruled compared to the new ones.

Posted: October 10th, 2006, 4:35 pm
by cjthor
lakersfan1 wrote:The new Battlestar sucks. It's like a Sci Fi version of a daytime soap. Save the drama for your mama. The old Battlestar plots ruled compared to the new ones.
Meh....I like a show with some depth. Shows are filled more with drama and back plots nowadays. The old BSG had about as much of a plot as the old star trek. Not much..

Posted: October 10th, 2006, 4:43 pm
by Tunes67
It's like a Sci Fi version of a daytime soap.
Though I do like BSG.. I do have to agree with this statement.. they spend way too much time with character interaction than they do fighting cylons or looking for Earth.


Posted: October 13th, 2006, 12:38 pm
by cjthor
Sooooo...Another episode tonight! Here is my thoughts...Probably wrong but hey!!
Soooo Sharon and the team from galatica were getting shot at by the centurions....Sharon looks at em and says "Hey! WTF man im a cylon!! Join me and help shoot up the bad toasters!! She gets those centurions to shoot at the centurions that are shooting at the cylon prisioners. Nuff said!!