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Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 8:34 am
by solo_ryder
??? I drink Full Throttle (Best Stuff) before I start work and it helps me concentrate, but it doesnt make me hyper or anything. Has little effect cept for mental alertness.

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 10:55 am
by happyclown
Anyone ever had a 5 hour energy?

I was crazy tired going into work one day, I usually have a couple balls, but a friend wanted to try the 5hr energy so I had one with... WOW! I was crusing! It kicks in after just a few short minutes and for me lasted close to 7 hours. Its nice cause you don't have to drink this huge can on ick, its a tiny little shot. Only bad thing I noticed is as I was comming down from the peak I could feel my blood pumping through the viens in my neck almost like my neck was swelling. Then I had a minor headache after.

Its kina like a shot of nos, crazy power. But if you over do it, your gonna blow your internals :lol:

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 1:34 pm
by freakyalien
I think I feel a little more awake after I drink one, but mostly for me I think its just mental...I usually just get a headache and crash not too long after drinking. As you can imagine, I don't drink energy drinks too often...

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 7:02 pm
by cjthor
NOS!!!!! I love the freakin drink. Tastes great and man it kept me up Friday night til like 1:30.

Posted: July 5th, 2006, 2:00 am
by hosk1ns
Rockstar is my favorite. i used to do a 3rd shift bakery job, id show, pound 2 cans of Rockstar, and i be on full screech from 5 pm - 11pm when we stopped for supper. then after that id about crash if i didnt run to the store for one more.

Lost, made by monster, was what i drank all last summer when i was driving an hour home at nite after working 10+ hours. tasted like sweaty socks, but it was good stuff.

Lost 5 0, sucks. 50% lost and 50% orange juice... my friend swears by it, i had a sip.. yuck.

but if its not rockstar, its Amp Tallboys or jus straight up Dew.