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Posted: February 20th, 2006, 7:37 am
by lakersfan1
MOSES wrote:
93_mx3_gs wrote:If you aren't running a highly modified motor and drive train, there is no point. You'll gain maybe 8 - 12 HP from freeing it up but it's not worth it for the hassle of slow speeds.
12 HP?.......Holy crap catwoman. If this is true, ill get rid of my power steering.
That is a noticable amount of gain.
Yeah. 12 HP is far fetched. Very far fetched.

Posted: February 20th, 2006, 9:59 am
by XxantwawnxX
Mazda_Powered wrote:good job man! so did you eventually remove the powersteering pump and the lines? because im sure the pump and lines have a good weight to them.

also, how many ribs does the belt have? and i think if i got some string and wrapped it around the alternator/waterpump and what not, i should have a close enough size, because i wanna take out my a/c too.


yeah i took out the whole pump plus most of th elines. and the power sterring cooler and resovoir. it has 4 ribs.

Posted: February 20th, 2006, 1:17 pm
by Juans_93_MX3
I got a question, how can a U/D pulley for the crank damage the engine?
I looked over the search and didnt find anyone mention damage to the engine.

Posted: February 22nd, 2006, 4:04 pm
by Slammed6
OK, i got a quetion.

I removed all my power steering and A/C stuff. Now the problem i was having was i had to leave the power stering pump (which only weight about 2 lbs) connected so the water pump may be run. Since the power steering pump is used as the tensioner. If you removed the powersteering pump how is ur water pump being turned??

Posted: February 23rd, 2006, 1:25 pm
by XxantwawnxX
Go back to page one..theres a picture of how i did it. you need a smaller belt...exact size im not sure because i forget.

Posted: February 23rd, 2006, 2:26 pm
by Slammed6
oh ok, sorry i saw that picture but didn't really understand.

So you have to keep the powersteering tensioner on there? Your better off just leaving the powersteering pump on the car. It can't weight anymore than 2 lbs and then u can at least go to the store and get a normal belt.

Also it doesn't look like u can get any real tension on the belt with the way u posted. Does the belt slip?

Posted: February 23rd, 2006, 5:20 pm
by XxantwawnxX
It works perfectly..had it on for years.

Posted: February 26th, 2006, 11:33 pm
by Steeb
if disconnected the belt for your powersteering pump, what steering rack are you using?

Posted: February 27th, 2006, 1:13 pm
by XxantwawnxX
The one that comes with the car lol. You use the same steering rack....just has not power steerign assist with out th epump.

Posted: March 15th, 2006, 3:07 pm
by Steeb
interesting. i was not aware that a power steering rack would last without any fluid running through it. is this safe for long term use? im not knockin on what you did, i just wanna know if its safe to drive it like that long term.

Posted: March 15th, 2006, 3:21 pm
by XxantwawnxX

Posted: March 15th, 2006, 3:50 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Dear god man, the power steering on the 626 (it's the smaller 1990 4cyl version) died again last week. You guys are nuts for driving with no power steering, it's hard as hell. What I used to be able to do with one finger/palm i can't even do with 2 hands, and if you have the wheel cranked and making a turn, you have to slowly bring it back, if you let go, it snaps back to center instantly.

Posted: March 15th, 2006, 4:38 pm
by Slammed6
Haha, people need to get some muscles...its not hard at all to drive with no power steering. I don't understand it. I actually prefer the feel of the car at moderate to high speeds with no power steering.

Posted: March 15th, 2006, 4:48 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
ya, cause you don't need power steering at medium-to-high speeds. I notice no difference when i'm on the highway. Before i could turn the wheel from lock to lock in about a second using only my index finger or just palm the wheel, now it's a 2 hand-effort which is agonising in parking lots. How, i know why people like the feel, cause they can "feel" the road better, which is true, cause your actually more-or-less fighting with the road, cause it wants to move your wheels. It is kinda neat, but i have no problem with feeling the road with power steering, but i especially hate that stuff I can't do. I find I have less control of the car because I have to fight against the road, I can't just tell the car what I want to do, i can't "throw it around" as much.

Posted: March 15th, 2006, 9:25 pm
by XxantwawnxX
i can turn it with one hand while the car is standing still. thats the mx3 though..not sure about biiger cars.