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Posted: February 26th, 2005, 5:58 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Joey's mx wrote:Yeah i think the Ottawa/quebec mx-3ers should make a day like late may or June that everyone has time to finish any work being done...and we could all cruz and chill...Im from Cornwall!!

Si if anyone is interested in doing this just suggest were and when and then we could all figure out when we could all meet up!!
Why dont we just meet in the Mazda Meet mid-may, thats close enough, plus the more the merrier

Posted: February 26th, 2005, 6:44 pm
by Joey's mx
Ok were do poeple think is the best place to meet??

Posted: March 1st, 2005, 9:55 am
by Nd4SpdSe

It's either gonna be May 14-15 or May 21-22

Posted: March 1st, 2005, 5:17 pm
by Mad_Medeiros
I'm going to be throwing a huge beach meet this coming summer, it isn't just mx-3s tough I'm part of LONDONAUTOCLUB, aka LAC.. and I'm basicly setting it up with them, and other local clubs (JCO, OTO etc)

its already being planned, I'm getting everyone to meet in port dover (Big tourist town) and then we are crusing to turkey point (very nice beach, nice parking lot to) its about a 20 min. cruise on some nice curvy twisty hilly roads...

alot of people have been discussing it, and I would love to see a bunch of mx-3's come out! my best friend owns a 95 rs, so thats 2 mx-3's as it is! and we need to represent!

precidian, runs LAC... and if he makes it out, that makes 3 mx-3's

Posted: March 1st, 2005, 5:43 pm
by relisys_3200
You know roughly when in the summer you'll be having this? I'd definantly be interested in that meet.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 11:45 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Give me a months notice on the date (2 weeks at a minimun) and i'll be there..guranteed (unless i get truck by lightning, or if it's an extemely important situation, but i hate to break my promises...but if i don't come, i'll usually let you know, and not pull one of those said-they-were-comming-but-never-showed-up people)

Posted: March 8th, 2005, 1:26 am
by DavidOS
i own one and theres a girl with a pink one in town.

and there are a couple others that show up as well.

Posted: March 8th, 2005, 12:33 pm
by RizzeRocket
im in

i hope chicks will be swimmin naked at beach :shock:

Posted: March 9th, 2005, 12:50 am
by blackie
i'm in for a meet i bought my mx3 in september so im excited 2 goto my first meet iv seen some guys & gurls in my area wit some nice mx3's i'll pass the word around when you guys set a date :D

Posted: March 11th, 2005, 1:22 pm
by <Kicker>
Any meets in the GTA? Ottawa's a long way for me... let me kno if u hear nething 8)

Posted: March 11th, 2005, 1:31 pm
by ovendenk
alright, i've read through the rotary thread and now know that the ottawa meet will be around may 21. but, where exactly is it gonna be?? i thought i read something about it being in quebec somewhere, then heading over to some guy's house. anybody know for sure?

Posted: March 18th, 2005, 3:27 pm
by jschrauwen
ovendenk wrote:alright, i've read through the rotary thread and now know that the ottawa meet will be around may 21. but, where exactly is it gonna be?? i thought i read something about it being in quebec somewhere, then heading over to some guy's house. anybody know for sure?
NOT GOOD, I thought the 14th, 15th had already been decided so as not to conflict with Carlisle which is already confirmed for 21st, 22nd. Carlisle is shaping up to be a better event than in previous years. See other thread in this forum for specifics. Is it too late to make it 14th, 15th? We should try with all means possible not to conflict with other members events. I understand that Carlisle has had some very good MX turn-outs. What do ya say???

Posted: March 18th, 2005, 4:31 pm
by ovendenk
hey jschrauwen, i've checked through recent threads in this forum and can't seem to find any mention about the ottawa meet. there was one post in the carlisle thread about the conflict with the ottawa meet, but no one responded to that comment. can you post a link to that thread or the name of it? thanks.

Posted: March 19th, 2005, 1:20 pm
by jschrauwen
ovendenk wrote:hey jschrauwen, i've checked through recent threads in this forum and can't seem to find any mention about the ottawa meet. there was one post in the carlisle thread about the conflict with the ottawa meet, but no one responded to that comment. can you post a link to that thread or the name of it? thanks.
I'm not sure which thread you're refering to. The Carlisle thread has specifics of location, timings, hotels etc and is set for the 21/22. Nd4SpdSe has mentioned the possibility of a simultaneous RX7 meet on the 21/22 and perhaps tagging long with that convoy. I've stated a few suggestions in the Toronto forum that might work. I guess the question I should ask either yourself, other Ottawa MXr's or Nd4SpdSe as he has participated before, is that - Is the Ottawa meet supposed to coincide (date-wise) with the RX7 meet? Since Carlisle appears to be popular event, it may be safe to assume that avid RX7r's would more than likely want to attend that event also, therefore encouraging the Ottawa ppl to adjust they're meet date to the 14/15.

Let's face it, this is not rocket science. If there is some incredible show-stopper that precludes utilizing 14/15 than I guess that person with that info should step forward and sort us out.

Ovendank, there's no reason why you can't take a leading role in this event, is there? You appear to be quite interested. All it takes is a couple of get togethers over at Timmies with some other MXr's, and your on your way. I believe (don't remember his name) was a focal point for Ottawa's meet and that he was providing a shop and BBQ area. He's not available for the 14/15. Unfortunate as that may be, that should not be the only catalyst that makes the Ottawa meet happen on the 14/15, IMO.
It appears that I'm getting a little long winded on this one, only because I'm seeing the makings of what appears to be the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, OR somebody's inability to see the obvious and think outside the box. Am I wrong here? I hope the rest of this years planned events don't turn this cumbersome.
Ovendank - your the MAN...make it happen!!!

Posted: March 19th, 2005, 1:39 pm
by jschrauwen
Additionally, 21/22/23 is Victria Day weekend. Since Carlisle would be a longer drive for most of us Ont/Que MXr's, I think it makes better sense to schedule Ottawa for the 14/15. Could use the extra day for the drive back / recuperation from Carlisle event. FWIW