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Posted: January 15th, 2005, 9:58 am

I never said I would ban you. I did however ban AZSupraT. I did so, because he is obviously someone who has the "wrong attitude" and only came here to stir up s---.

Anyways, I was very displeased with your attitude in your post though. You basically generalized, all MX-3 Owners/the whole MX-3 community by saying we were all ricers.

Regarding your last comment about people doing subtle changes to there car, liking it for what it is, and making it there own. I have seen many more MX-3's then you can imagine. Having this website for the past 9 years, I have a hard drive FULL of MX-3's of all sorts. Some are extreme, some are plain old stock. What does it matter, that's just how they like them.

It is also important to remember that the MX-3 community has less aftermarket support then the Honda's, so yes, when a new product comes out, there will be a higher ration of people getting it. Less choice, = more people have the same item.

I guess the biggest dissappointment was the fact that you completely put down the MX-3 community. I have no problem with people voicing there opinions, but when they act like children, such as "AZSupraT" that came over here, as well as another civic owner, yes I ban them.

Maybe you should tell your Honda friend to try not to stir s--- between the communities, as I see it is not you that brought it to Honda-Tech, but him.

Although I am criticised for it, I try to run this board like a clean adult like, car enthusiast board. I see no need for vulgar language, and or negative comments. Constructive criticism is always acceptable as long as it is not overly negative, and will help the owner improve.

I see no need for people to come here swearing and cursing and causing a disturbance. Act like the educated adults we all are.

went to a Honda community to vent about the MX-3 community. That was completely wrong

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 10:22 am
by papa roached
:roll: to HT, im sure they got their fair share on there, i dont hate hondas, i hate riced hondas that think they are in the fast and the furious all the time, there is a difference :roll:

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 11:42 am
by 93SOHC
to bubbaflaat: I wasn't refering to the posts you made on the thread here, as far as talking behind someones back... I was referring to your buddies basaically dissing the entire mx-community on hondatech. (which by the way I am a member of as well) I guess the bottom line is that everyone is entitled to thier oppinon, but that doesn't mean that they should always express it. I hate rice just as much as the next guy but I don't go around bashing people for doing it. that guy from europe put a ton of work into that car and for that I give him props, even though I didn't like the car personally. I just feel if I am going to criticise someones tastes, i'll do it a little more constructively, or just point out the good things about it to make them feel I appreciate their effort

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 11:53 am
93SOHC wrote:to bubbaflaat: I wasn't refering to the posts you made on the thread here, as far as talking behind someones back... I was referring to you basaically dissing the entire mx-community on hondatech. (which by the way I am a member of as well).....

If I recall, BubbaFlaat did not post on Honda-Tech Forums. It was his friend who he spoke with "crxnerd" that posted the link to the thread on Forums, and started it all over there.

If I am wrong please correct me, but that is how I understand all this started.

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 12:00 pm
by 93SOHC
my bad jeff, you are right about that. It was his buddies that were sayin all the crap on honda tech...but I still don't like when people say stuff to diss the whole comunity... I have edited my posts accordingly. I guess I was just so angry I got confused, kinda like the incredible hulk, except im a wus. lol

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 1:55 pm
by bubbaflaat
I was just as much at fault for the thread being posted on HT, but notice how it is like 5 pages deep now.

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 3:14 pm
bubbaflaat wrote:I was just as much at fault for the thread being posted on HT, but notice how it is like 5 pages deep now.
Actually, last I checked it was only 2 pages deep. Your buddy has the last post requesting that the thread be closed.

Or if your talking about how far into the Appearance/Cosmetic Forum it is, it is at the bottom of the 3rd page.

I guess the good thing about a forum as large as the Honda-Tech Forums, is posts like this get lost in the shuffle much quicker, and die off sooner.

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 4:15 pm
by mx3TT
I dont understand why people on this board lately are so into disturbing the peace. Bubba that was uncalled for and you know it. We can sit here all day and say hondas suck and hondas are ricers but we don(most of us anyway) dont bring in a specific car and bash on it. What made it even worse was the fact that you totally raged on the guy here and then went elsewhere and started it up over there. Use your head. If someone thru your car on there and everyone hated it I bet you wouldnt like it one bit. So like Jeff said, you ruined your rep on this board, and he wont ban you for this, but is it worth staying?

Posted: January 16th, 2005, 1:57 am
by bubbaflaat
I totally think it is worth staying because it is simply the best resource for mx-3s. Now whatever my rep is to everyone, it doesn't really matter. The facts still are that i've done all the work on my car myself, and have paid for every penny of it myself, just the same as many other users on this board. I guess i'm just not afraid to voice my opinions, however good or bad they are. Maybe i'm just to blunt about the whole thing? However, the facts are still the same and the more and more people I have read all this that aren't mx-3 owners, the more and more people I have agreeing with me. I guess vehicle exterior taste is just like religions, no matter which route you choose, you refuse to look into another's religion. But then again you always have the people coming to your door step trying to pursuade you into their religion. Maybe i'm just that guy who feels they need to let other people know what they are doing wrong. Because in fact you can't argue that a close to stock car is wrong, because thats why you all bought the car in the first place right?

Posted: January 16th, 2005, 3:35 am
by Juans_93_MX3
bubaaflat, its about time we get a person like you expressing yourself well except for telling someone to post something on a other forum.
Remember this thread? ... highlight=
Yeah, I totally agreed with you ... c&start=45
yeah, I got flamed for this thread though because I didnt give the guy credit for his "hard work". :?

Posted: January 16th, 2005, 7:51 am
by GregoryChristian
I just read the thread at Honda-tech again and I think it has gone way to far ... someone there has posted and began name calling our ADMIN (Jeff)

Posted: January 16th, 2005, 8:58 am
Just goes to show you the maturity level.

Posted: January 16th, 2005, 10:02 am
by fry_81
how pathetic. better watch out for those intimidating internet thugs. :laugh:

Posted: January 16th, 2005, 10:39 am
by papa roached
wow, they are so kool :roll: and with how they are acting they are just adding to the honda drive stereotype

Posted: January 16th, 2005, 11:05 am
Guys, lets not sink to there level by bashing them. Just ignore it, I don;t want to close this thread, but if it continues, I will.