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Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 3rd, 2004, 10:29 pm
by lakersfan1
Either tell them you needed more power for towing, or tell them you're a tree-hugger and you wanted better fuel economy, since most K8 to KLZE swappers experience a 5 MPG increase in efficiency when they swap.

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 4th, 2004, 12:13 am
by torpedan
Because my old motor was out of blinker fluid.

Seriously though i had just blown up my b6de tranny and left a huge slick of oil on the highway.

So why not upgrade to a bigger motor with a better tranny..

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 4th, 2004, 1:48 am
by eore
u already kno my answer. but yea jus say ur engine is almost dead an that ur gonna need a new one soon. good luck breakin the news to ur parents.

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 4th, 2004, 2:34 pm
by 2RotorsNaDream
Why would you even have to explain it to anyone?? Its your money, do you. I never told my parents when I swapped my engine and they dont ask. I've already started buying turbo parts and they wont ask about those either.

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 4th, 2004, 2:56 pm
by killerpickle
Old one was burning oil, and its cheaper to buy a low km ze than to replace with a low km k8

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 4th, 2004, 6:45 pm
by Sam Baker

those are hella awesome!! thnx guys! i was just wondering what reasons some of u had. mine of course is because my engine is old, tired, and i feel like spankin even more hondas than i do now. ;) ;)

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 4th, 2004, 6:50 pm
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
Tell em you're only doing the engine swap to install what Mazda should have put in there in the first place!

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 4th, 2004, 7:14 pm
by papa roached
my dad totally understands why im doing it, more go fast cause hes like me or me like him

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 4th, 2004, 8:11 pm
by ryanlindenberg
yep my parents first found out when they saw a bpt sitting in their dad said "you must have bought a motor huh?", i said "yep", end of conversation...he must have knew instantly why i bought it since it does say "turbo" right on the IM.

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 9th, 2004, 10:49 am
by Franko
When told my dad that I had an engine to put in the car he gasped at the estimated 180 horsepower.. I was looking for some place to do the swap for me and he said "Listen, you have a nice running car now and if youre going to do this it is going to have to be done right." With that I found the best guy in town to do it for me and dad paid to get it done.. God love him.. what a guy. I was just gonna give the ol mastercard a going over but he didnt want me to be in any more debt. ;)

Ohh and as for why I did the swap.. If someone asked me why I would say "What in the hell kind of question is that? Why did you put on pants this morning? Why is your hair cut like that? You did it because you wanted to and I wanted to do this! Now leave me alone and stop watching me when I get in the shower!" Or you can just say "It cant be all show and no go you know." OR if you really want to confuse them and they dont know much about cars just say "Well the old engine had a .00986 compression ratio with the dual cam forged piston connecting rods. The oil pan ajusting springs were 10% off center. it just made sense to go with the dual carbon coated triple bypass aluminum head gasket plating. With the proper crankshaft postion sensor timing I could definately gain 27.98 k/g extra force at the syncro pulley." :confused2: :crying:

Re: Why did you swap your engine?

Posted: June 10th, 2004, 2:18 pm
by quicksliver
Originally posted by Franko:
"Well the old engine had a .00986 compression ratio with the dual cam forged piston connecting rods. The oil pan ajusting springs were 10% off center. it just made sense to go with the dual carbon coated triple bypass aluminum head gasket plating. With the proper crankshaft postion sensor timing I could definately gain 27.98 k/g extra force at the syncro pulley." :confused2: :crying: