Windows Vista??

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Post by mx3autozam »

Typhoonk wrote:Vista is stupid. I hate how it asked you ever time if you want to run a program or if the program will be able to go out on the internet.
you can turn that off!
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Post by manowar821 »

I haven't posted here for a while, but this one drew me in.

Vista is not that bad. It's got about as many problems as XP did at launch.

I'm running my Vista Ultimate on an X2 4200+ with 1 gig of 6400 ddr2 ram. I have a 7600gs video card, and it runs on full effects, and runs all my games perfectly.

I had some starting issues, but that's microsoft being a POS, anyway.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm running the 64bit version, and I did a full install with the upgrade key. (saved me a lot of money)

Here's why people think that vista is a memory hog. It uses as much ram as it can to cache files you use frequently, so that they start up faster. If you start running a memory intensive game, it WILL FREE UP THE RAM instantly. If you run multiple programs at once, it will free up the ram to run them. It will not ever place the cache at a higher priority than programs that YOU choose to run, so it's not actually hogging ram, it's USING IT. Free ram is wasted ram.

I hate it when people are like "yeah dude, look how much free ram I have, 4 gigs! That makes my computer faster, LOL!" No it doesn't, stupid. It's just sitting there doing nothing.

It's not a memory hog, and anyone who tells you that is either lying, or doesn't know what they're talking about. Hell, if you want to call that utilization of system ram "hogging", then you must REALLY think linux is a ram hog, because it does the same s---.

I've never liked microsoft, but I am not having a bad time with this operating system. It's not bad, I wouldn't expect much better from M$.
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Post by hharb »

haha, have you tried running vista on 512 MB of ram? better yet 256MB lol, xp runs perfect with 256 and 512, i do software support and i know if you run vista on 512 you will have big issues, now i love vista and all and its got so many cool features, its also very user friendly and makes life alot simpler, but there's a big problem when it comes to compatibility with vista, alot of software/hardware is still not compatible with vista so its a bit of a hassle. but yeah its a known fact that it uses more memory than xp does, i would recommend it if you have the right machine, at leas 1gb of ram and 128 mb of memory, and it'll run just great .
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