What is it with Minivans?

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Post by Nallboy »

Sometimes my job calls for me to be "courier" so I've seen some of the worst drivers out there. My favorites are, of course, the F1 racer soccer mom/dads, the Redneck Bubba trucks (plenty around here too, Mitmaks. So freakin loud!), the old men who cut you off then proceed to flick you off (wtf??), and my all-time was this huge woman in a Lexus who cut me off in tight traffic on the freeway a while back. I drive alot, so I can't let traffic bother me, but this tub-o-lard cut off another car to get back into her original lane; then she japs me again! So I stayed on her butt (she thought there was enough room to get over, so there's enough room for me to stay there), and could see that she was blabbing away on the phone AND stuffing a hamburger somewhere into her face. I mouth the words, "Get off the phone and drive!" which she easily sees in her rear-view, and she responds with the bird. Made my day...
Actually, I like just smiling and waving back at people who get so mad for no reason; it just pisses them off even more.
Without these people, driving would be boring. I find ways to entertain myself while driving. Smiling really big at random people while stuck in traffic always evokes weird looks. Making strange faces at people is even better. Next time you're in traffic, wave at someone. If they wave back, make the best "totally offended" face you can. You get good responses there. :lol:
'93 GS sporting 31 ZE, 36 ECU, Millenia IM & TB, Beefed up tranny, Fidanza FW, CM Stage II-R, Al UDP, HS Headers, MF Hi-Flow CAT, 2.5" Piping, CAI, MGC Wires, MS Mounts, B&M SS, Bronzoils, SS B & C Lines, Brembos...more.
Oh yeah, I have a stock ATX 92 RS too.
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Post by tw1st3d_cl0wn »

What's even funnier is when someone is messing with you, and they think you won't do anything, but you do, and it scares the crap out of them. I'm almost ashamed to tell this story, because the way I acted was kind of immature, and wasn't like me. Here's a story:

This was the maddest I've ever been in my life. I am a very shy person normally, I avoid conflict, mind my own business. Ok, so, one day I'm at a stop light. These girls in a brand new black Nissan Pathfinder pull up to me. I had all my windows down, my sunroof open. I hear them laughing. I hear them calling me names. I ignore it. Then I hear something hit my car on the roof, like when a small rock from the road bounces up and hits the hood. Sounded like that. Then I hear it again, near the trunk. Then again on the side. Then, something lands IN the car. A piece of freaking chocolate lands on my seat. And it's like 90 degrees outside so it's melted a little bit and it stains my seat. I'm mad, but keep my cool, and figure when the light turns green I'll just speed away. And I do, until the next light. They pull up again, and do the same sh*t. I think the look on their faces is what got to me. The look of "we're tormenting you and you can't do anything about it!"

So I just snapped. Put my car in park, and got out right there in the middle of traffic. I don't even remember what I was screaming, something like "Throw something now you f-ing cunts, do it, see what happens to your car when I get over there!!", something like that, but their expressions changed right away, and they literally almost hit other cars just to get away and ran the red light, almost causing a huge accident. But that's not it, turns out the car behind me was full of their friends. So further down the road, the Pathfinder comes back, they must have felt brave since their other friends were there. The Pathfinder pulls right up beside me. So I got a car to the side, and a car following. Some punky kids in an old Grand Marqui. They tailed me down the road until I stopped short (there was no other traffic around at this point) right in the middle of the road, and they almost rear ended me. Then I gained speed again, looked right at the girl driving, and turned right into her lane, and they spun out. But the looks on their faces was like "This girl is crazy! I can't believe she did that!" They acted like they didn't do anything wrong to deserve it.

I guess I was crazy. Never been so mad in my life. That happened like 2 years ago. Wasnt funny at the time but now I laugh.
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Post by Tunes67 »

Heh.. TC? Remind me not to piss you off ok? ;) :lol: :shock:
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Post by 93SOHC »

Nallboy wrote:Sometimes my job calls for me to be "courier" so I've seen some of the worst drivers out there. My favorites are, of course, the F1 racer soccer mom/dads, the Redneck Bubba trucks (plenty around here too, Mitmaks. So freakin loud!), the old men who cut you off then proceed to flick you off (wtf??), and my all-time was this huge woman in a Lexus who cut me off in tight traffic on the freeway a while back. I drive alot, so I can't let traffic bother me, but this tub-o-lard cut off another car to get back into her original lane; then she japs me again! So I stayed on her butt (she thought there was enough room to get over, so there's enough room for me to stay there), and could see that she was blabbing away on the phone AND stuffing a hamburger somewhere into her face. I mouth the words, "Get off the phone and drive!" which she easily sees in her rear-view, and she responds with the bird. Made my day...
Actually, I like just smiling and waving back at people who get so mad for no reason; it just pisses them off even more.
Without these people, driving would be boring. I find ways to entertain myself while driving. Smiling really big at random people while stuck in traffic always evokes weird looks. Making strange faces at people is even better. Next time you're in traffic, wave at someone. If they wave back, make the best "totally offended" face you can. You get good responses there. :lol:
ROFLMAO!!!! All so ture guys. I put in about 350 miles a week or so!
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Post by Tunes67 »

My dad actually rammed a guy once with his old 76 Plymouth Duster (318 Hurst 4 Speed car).. The guy he rammed pulled up next to him at a light where it was 2 lanes at the light.. and then immediately following the light.. the right lane merged into the left lane. My dad was in the left lane and had right away.. not too mention he beat the dude off the line (though he wasnt racing.. he just took off first when the light turned green), the guy sped up and forced in front of my dad, forcing my dad into oncoming traffic.. this happened late in the evening and there were no cars behind my dad when he did this.. pissed my dad off so much he repeatedly rammed his old duster into the back of the guys car till the guy pulled off the hiway.. I dont remember what kind of car the guy had ( I wasnt there and my mom told me the story ) But there was no damage to my dads Duster.. chalk one up to those giant rubber things Mopar liked to put on the front of their cars. But just so you will all feel more secure about me driving on the road.. He is my step dad and we dont share genetics or anything.. I do have mild road rage.. but even when I was driving my tank of a Nova around.. I never got tempted to ram someone LOL Though if I did.. it would be a minivan :shock: :evil:

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Post by tw1st3d_cl0wn »

LOL. That's the ultimate payback right there. Too funny.

I felt like an idiot after getting so mad at those people, so my dad tried to make me feel better by telling me how when he was younger, a guy in a pickup cut him off, threw something at him and then just acted like an a-hole. So at the next light my dad decided he was going to get out and give the guy a piece of his mind. Little did my dad know there were 3 other guys in the pick up. So at the next light, my dad gets out of his car, slams his door shut, acting tough, starts walking over to the pickup, and all of a sudden 4 guys jump out of the pick up. My dad said he almost sh*t himself. He ran back to his car as fast as he could and hauled a--.

My dad said I should atleast be proud of the fact that I wasn't afraid of being outnumbered and getting my a-- kicked. But at the time it didn't even cross my mind that maybe I coulda gotten seriously beat up or something. :?
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Post by Tunes67 »

It really does amaze me how some people seem to lose all semblance of common sense when they get behind the wheel. Its almost like they suddenly feel invulnerable or invincible because they are inside of a motor vehicle. I am not a religious person, I dont go to church and I dont believe any one religion is better than any other religion.. However.. I was once stuck on a freeway overpass for 20 minutes or so where I was just able to sit and watch traffic on the I5 freeway in the lynnwood area near where I live and work. And after watching how stupid people drive.. I have to admit.. God must indeed exsist or we (as a race) would have destroyed ourselves in a gigantic demolition derby a long long time ago. I think there needs to be stricter requirements to getting a drivers license.. there should be a IQ test, some kind of a reflex requirement test, able to read the language of signs posted in a given area, etc.. before a license is issued. Anyone caught driving without a license should be charged with attempted vehicular assault and thrown in jail for 10 years. Yeah I know that prison populations are already out of control. But the system as is sucks and too many morons are allowed on my roads.. and yes they are my roads.. I pay taxes just like everyone else.. so I feel I do indeed infact own the whole damn road LOL ;)

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Post by neutral »

Entertaining stuff y'all. I remember once being tailgated for miles one summer on this skinny country road by a couple girls in a '78 rodded tricked out TransAm. I'm driving an '82 Celica GT already 15-20+ mph over the posted speed limit and they refused to pass, even when they had clear road to do so. So the road widens and we are stopped side by side within a couple feet of each other at a stoplight. They pulled close alongside like that on purpose and I'm gettin totally pissed off but figure let it go, no harm no foul.

So I pick up a cold can of Pepsi that had been sitting in my passenger seat. Since I didn't wanna risk opening it when they were tailgating, I figure to open it while at the light, then the damn unopened can slips right outta my hands. I picked it up from the floor and the TransAm driver-babe yells, "NICE SHOT A$$HOLE!" Still appearing to ignore them, I give that Pepsi a dozen hard shakes just outta their sight then lean out my window and pop the top of that soda bomb right thru their open passenger window. Those girls are drenched in Pepsi, screaming, and the Pepsi did sorta clash with the pale blue velour interior of their ride.

lol, "the wheel ALWAYS turns and don't get mad, get even." That was awhile ago and I'm all growed up now but would probably do the same thing in the same situation... so maybe not quite all growed up yet. :evil: :lol:
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Post by Ricksmx3 »

Nallboy wrote:Sometimes my job calls for me to be "courier" so I've seen some of the worst drivers out there. My favorites are, of course, the F1 racer soccer mom/dads, the Redneck Bubba trucks (plenty around here too, Mitmaks. So freakin loud!), the old men who cut you off then proceed to flick you off (wtf??), and my all-time was this huge woman in a Lexus who cut me off in tight traffic on the freeway a while back. I drive alot, so I can't let traffic bother me, but this tub-o-lard cut off another car to get back into her original lane; then she japs me again! So I stayed on her butt (she thought there was enough room to get over, so there's enough room for me to stay there), and could see that she was blabbing away on the phone AND stuffing a hamburger somewhere into her face. I mouth the words, "Get off the phone and drive!" which she easily sees in her rear-view, and she responds with the bird. Made my day...
Actually, I like just smiling and waving back at people who get so mad for no reason; it just pisses them off even more.
Without these people, driving would be boring. I find ways to entertain myself while driving. Smiling really big at random people while stuck in traffic always evokes weird looks. Making strange faces at people is even better. Next time you're in traffic, wave at someone. If they wave back, make the best "totally offended" face you can. You get good responses there. :lol:
I go on long trips all the time. So what i like to do when i am about to fall asleep or i am just feeling goofy is put my seat all the way up then put the back of the seat all the way up and hug the steering wheel. Then when people go to pass me i act like it is my first time driving and hold the wheel real tight and try to look at them and the road moving my head back and forth real fast. Now do that and you get some real good reactions. Mostly pointing and laughting and the passenger tapping the drivers shoulder real hard trying to get them to look. :lol:
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Post by mazdubber »

jschrauwen wrote:
johnnyb wrote:
jschrauwen wrote:My favorite is going down the 401 (longest, largest, fastest highway in Ontario)
you may be right about the longest and largest but I'm guessing you've never hopped onto the 407. That IMO is way faster then the 401 on a good day. The average speed on the 407 is 140 km/h and on the 401 its 120km/h. I've plenty of times been passed doing 140 by some person doing at least 165
True enough! I wonder if you have a transponder is the time you entered and exited the 407 recorded. If so, that could be very damaging if they were to make a rough calculation as to how long it took you to get from entry to exit point. Which would = real damn fast.
Actually, the trick to the 407 is to get a little sideways when going under the camera. It can only read the plate straight on. I've tried it a few times and it always works. I just don't want to pay some private company a load of cash for 'letting' me use a multi million dollar freeway that was built with my taxes!

I think I'm going to move to Germany or Italy. Somewhere where there is some respect on the roads. What I see on a day to day bases in the Toronto area is disgusting. :x
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Post by Typhoonk »

My personal favorite:

Imagine - you are approaching a red light with your blinker on, getting ready to make a right at the light. And a guy racing in front of you and stops at the red light!!! so now your stuck at the light and can't make your turn till the end of the light!!!!!

That's when I love my horn............. Gotta get an air horn option...... :shock: :twisted:
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Post by Meep »

The on-ramp to get onto I-520 from my house has these two lanes that merge. I can't recall how many times I've almost gotten into an accident there. This is the spot where I was specifically referring to SUVs and full-sized trucks.

Someone coming from the other direction trying to make a right usually ignores the fact that I'll have a turn arrow and try to T-bone me. Or, people will just be stupid and try to drive down the middle of the two lanes so they don't have to merge. Then some other dumb peolple just ignore the fact that the lanes merge and I've seen cars go off the sides of the on ramp.

Of course I've been in car accidents before where someone has just been stupid and rammed me in the side (last February in my husband's Protege) after not waiting at their stop sign while I'm on a straight-away. The guy stopped and then just rammed me in the side... :?:

There was also a time I was with my dad in his car and this woman just backs into us out of her driveway. She t-boned us backwards, in broad daylight, with nothing blocking her view. Then she freaks out and runs into her house to hide and call her husband while leaving her 2 year old girl in the car crying. :evil:
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Post by Tunes67 »

I repeat.. there should be at least an IQ test required to get a drivers license. :shock:

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